Stay Connected

We bring together parents at any stage of the parenthood journey, to connect and form friendship. Our Membership is an add on to what already is an incredible journey. Enjoy!

Extra Entry Ticket

Our Vip Members get an extra entry ticket to our raffles. All you have to do is purchase your ticket or multiple tickets and extra ticket with your name will be added to the draw. Increase your chance to win amazing prizes.

VIP Member benefits

Exclusive discount %

Our Friendly Businesses across Australia offer an exclusive discount to our members. Use a special code or contact the business quoting “I’m a Friendly Dummy member” to redeem the offer. Support businesses who believe and support us.

Friendly Dummy Gift

Receive a Friendly Dummy gift every year with your membership subscription. Be a part of a growing community and lets tag the whole Australia friendly.

% Donation To Charity

% of your membership price will be donated to a charity every month.

Exclusive Monthly Giveaways

Be a part of an exclusive monthly giveaway only available to our vip members. Each month we will draw a winner of a surprise price from our Friendly Businesses. From books, vouchers to discount codes and many more.


Access to online or in person seminars, free or at heavily discounted price. We are creating beautiful connections with many professionals and will be bringing their knowledge to you.

Subscribe for access

Every year

✓ Access to Exclusive Discount from our Friendly Businesses
✓ Access to monthly events, webinars and masterclasses.
✓ Free gift
✓ Charity support
✓ Monthly member giveaway + extra entry raffle ticket*

Subscribe for access

Every year

✓ Showcase to your Target Market
✓ One Social Media post each year - Mums/Dads in Business
✓ IG and Facebook Stories Visibility
✓ Collaboration in Monthly Members Giveaways
✓ Your exclusive discount to our Members & Followers

“Build your own community. It takes time, but it’s worth it. Friendly dummy is here to help you on your journey”

— Friendly Dummy