We are all about friendliness, that is all.

Take a minute to read our story, it’s beautiful.
It has made the start of our parenthood journey a little bit easier.

How we got here

My name is Alicja, I was only a mum for eight weeks when the Friendly Dummy idea was born. I loved every minute of being a new mum but there was a fear in me that I couldn’t understand until I started to meet other mums. My personality is generally very open and bubbly therefore, I had no issues to talk to any mum or dad I met during my five hour pram walks. But soon I realised not everyone finds it so easy.

I feared what was coming, when the baby stage was far gone and everyone went back to their own lives. Everyone whom I met was only reacting and asking about the baby. ‘Omg how cute is he!’ , ‘How old?’, ‘Whats his name’… you get the gist. But no one would ask me are you okay? How are you coping? a simple but powerful question, how are you today? Inside I was craving to have someone asking me how I am. 

One day my partner, Peter and I went for a walk along the shore of Ramsgate beach and it happened, I met Gemma. We walked past a couple pushing a pram the opposite direction and he recognised Gemma’s partner, Steve they used to go to school together 20 years ago. Gemma and I instantly connected, we both had babies four days apart, lived local and exchanged numbers.  

Next thing I know I have a best friend by my side sharing every day with me. I wake up in the morning and if there is no message from Gemma I message her. ‘Hey, how was your night?’ ‘Hey, walk today?’ ‘Hey, coffee?’ “Hey, Tobi did this… “Hey, How is little Pia?’ and vice vesa Gemma messages the same. We have shared every moment together (as much as its possible) and do you know what, now im not scared. I found Gemma and Gemma found me!

“Majority of mums and dads say, parenthood can be isolating and lonely. Everyone has a different reason for isolation or loneliness.

For me to find Gemma and talk to other mums and dads on a daily basis was a dream come true.”

Imagine there was something that made it easier for everyone to connect, to form a new friendship or just simply to ask one another ‘How are you today? Do you wanna walk together? ‘Can I join you for a coffee?

Friendly dummy is here to make it easier for you. Let us tell you how.

By hanging a Friendly Dummy tag on your pram, baby carrier or even on your keys were visible, this enables other Friendly Dummy tag holders that you’re a parent or caregiver open to connect, chat and form a friendship. It’s about getting back to basics, no socials or having an app. It is a tag recognisable by others that gives a talking point other than your baby.